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The Get-Away

We had such a great time... just the two of us.

We stayed in this gray and white three story B&B.  It's right on the bluff with a beautiful ocean view in Dana Point, California.

It was so cozy, we would have been perfectly happy to stay inside the entire trip.

But we didn't.  We ventured out.


One of our first days out, we went whale watching.  It was much more interesting than you might think.   The day was beautiful, clear and sunny.   Perfect to be out on a boat.

 We were cruising along, out on the ocean, and the captain slows down for us to look around and see if we can spot any whales.

We look over and see this...




Just kidding.

They were dolphins.

But I totally think shark when I first see that fin sticking out of the water.

Thousands of them.

Swimming and jumping and playing right along side the boat.

This boat had two glass pods that you could climb down into and see under the water.

Pretty amazing.

And, can you believe we actually did see a whale?

A gray whale.

And these cute guys.


We spent a day or so just milling around and looking through local shops.

Or I should say that I looked through shops.  He read his book.  But we're good like that... and both perfectly happy.

This one was my favorite.

Juxtaposition Home

Right on the PCH across from Crystal Cove.

Pretty cute sign, too.

So many things to see, and so many creative displays.


We spent a day in San Juan Capistrano and strolled around the Mission.

It was gorgeous.  Wouldn't this be a wonderful backdrop for photographs?


On our last day, we cruised around Balboa Island.

Such a cute little community lined with Norman Rockwell-esque houses.

{Pricey little things.}

Famous for their "Balboa Bars".  Frozen bananas dipped in chocolate with a variety of toppings.  Too bad I don't like bananas.


It was such a rare treat to spend this time with my favorite person on earth.