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Football, Flowers & Fun

It was Homecoming week.

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Things were pretty busy around here, but we had a lot of fun.

Pep rallies... skits... dress-up days... dances.

One evening was spent doing this...

Making a mum... or do you call it a garter since it's the one for the guy?  They wear it at the top of their arm.  The girl version is much longer and is pinned on their shirt like a corsage.   They can get pretty gaudy and obnoxious.

This was all new to me when my girls reached high school.  I don't remember any of this "mum" stuff going on back when I was in high school.  Not quite sure if it was my "era" or my "area"... maybe it was both.  Maybe it's just my memory... I don't know... I can't recall.


My college girl came home for some of the festivities, so we spent part of our day hanging out and having fun.

We pulled out some stuff from 'the shed' and tried to get a little creative.

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We did manage to make a few things despite a certain little someone who tried to thwart our efforts.

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I must say, the college girl was a good sport to let me take photos, knowing they may end up on this blog.  Comfy clothes and no make-up... just hanging around the house.  But she's cool like that.

C.G. made some cute flower pins and head bands, but I forgot to take photos of it all before she headed back to school.

Here's a peek of some of the things I made.

Such a fun week with my girls.