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Christmastime in NYC

My family and I just returned home from NYC.

We had a great time in the Big Apple, and I have lots of photos to share.  New York at Christmastime is spectacular, but I must say... I am glad to be home.  I love being home.


  Now Christmas is merely five days away and seems to be approaching at lightning speed.  As we were driving home from the airport, I was thinking about all the things I want to do.  Things to make, things to bake, cards to write, gifts to wrap and on it goes.  But I also thought about how I want to enjoy this wonderful time of year.  I want to enjoy my family, and I want to be ever mindful of what Christmas is really all about.

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So, I hope to keep things simple and make the most of the days ahead.

Keeping priorities straight, not getting caught up in the craziness, and loving my family.

It's way too easy to get Scroogie, isn't it?