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Sweet Cards

My husband gave me a wonderful gift for our anniversary.

Twenty hand written cards.

One for each year we have been married.

It was a fun stroll down memory lane.

He wrote about memories and significant events from each year.

Then he commissioned my youngest daughter to draw a picture on the front of each card that was a representation of the events of that year.

Can you guess the significant events of our first year?

I have no idea how he can remember so many details.

Aren't the drawings wonderful?

This is the first home we purchased.

My husband and his friend installed a brick path in the back yard.   I spied some neat old bricks in someone else's back yard, and I talked my husband into knocking on their door and asking if we could buy them.  They said "no" at first, but when we offered a specific price, they changed their mind.  They are big handmade bricks that have a worn, vintage look... you can see indentions from hands that formed them, and even a few dog prints here and there.  I hated to leave that pathway when we moved.

Another friend built the arch in our back yard in trade for a bunch of these bricks.  He paved his driveway with them.  I wish I had a picture of it.  It looked awesome.

I loved that little house.  It was really small, but we made a ton of great memories there.

I wish I still looked like that in a bikini!


And look what was in the last card.