David — The Brown Shed
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After the events of the past month, a lot of things appear rather futile.

Writing on this silly little blog with a recipe, a tutorial or whatever, seems so insignificant when I think about a friend who is several states away... learning to live a very different life.  A "new normal"... one day at a time.

My family attended the service for David at Arlington National Cemetery where he was laid to rest with full honors.  It was a beautiful, humbling and heart wrenching ceremony.  Knowing the finality of that day broke my heart.  Seeing his wife and three babies walk behind him as he was so honorably carried by the horse drawn caisson was incredibly painful to view.

There were dozens of special forces servicemen (TACP -Tactical Air Control Party).  Many who had served alongside David.  I love seeing them in those slanted burets with their pants tucked into their boots.  I have such respect for them.  I watched each one of them as they paid their respects to Heather, then walked over to David.  They knelt and then laid a pin, metal or patch atop the casket, then stood and saluted.   David was one of them.

Heather received a letter David wrote her from Afghanistan.  It came after his death.  I imagine it was bittersweet, and a treasure.  In the letter he wrote from Isaiah...here I am Lord, send me.   David loved and served our Lord Jesus Christ.  And though I will never understand why this tragedy happened, I rest in knowing that the Lord will use this in His eternal plan.


Thank you to all that have contacted me in some way to let me know that you are praying for this sweet family.  Please continue...there will be many difficult days ahead.  I read this article soon after I learned of David's tragic death.  You might find it a good resource.